In memoriam 25th October 1956.
memorial and exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Temporary exhibition
Massacres in 1956
13 February, 1945
The Red Army occupied Budapest
17 March, 1945
The Council of Ministers adopted Decree 600/1945 on Land Reform.
26 March, 1945
The Allied Control Commission of Hungary held its first meeting in Debrecen.
9 May, 1945
End of World War II in Europe
The publisher of the website is the Office of the Hungarian National Assembly.

Publisher: György Such

Editor: Eszter Légrády

Development: Marina Dula, Csaba Huszár

• Gábor Csikós
• Írisz Feitl
• Orsolya Moravetz

Chief scientific advisor: Gyula Kedves

The website was produced by the Directorate of Cultural Affairs of the Office of the Hungarian National Assembly.

Director: István Bellavics

Sponsored by the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight 60th Anniversary Memorial Board.

Editorial Office: 1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 1-3.
Telephon:(36) 1/441-4343
special thanks
We would like to thank our partners for providing access to documents that form part of their collections.

• Hungarian National Museum

• Media Service Support and Asset Management Fund – Hungarian Telegraph Office

• Fortepan

• Archives of the Győr County Local Government

• Archives of the Diocese of Győr

• Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security

• Nándor Südi

• Dr. Marianna Balogh


The exhibition is a part of the Office of the National Assembly’s Steindl Imre Project and was implemented within the framework of the professional programme of the Museum Preparatory Office of the Directorate of Cultural Affairs of the Office of the Hungarian National Assembly.

Exhibition Curator: Sándor Őze
Assistants: Barbara Bank, Rolf Müller

Exhibition Designer: Zsolt Vasáros (Narmer Architecture Studio)
Assistant: Ágnes Eiszrich

Exhibition area design: Bence Vadász (Vadász and Partners Architectural Art Studio Ltd.)

Exhibition contractor: DNN Professional Graphics

The exhibition material was provided by:
• Military History Museum and Institute of the Ministry of Defence
• Film Archives of the Media Service Support and Asset Management Fund
• Hungarian National Digital Archive
• Media Service Support and Asset Management Fund
• Hungarian National Museum
• Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library, Budapest Collection
• Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security
• Archives of the Diocese of Győr
• National Széchényi Library
• Zrínyi Cartography and Communication Services Non-profit Ltd. of the Ministry of Defence
• Imperial War Museums
• György Sümegi

The films screened at the exhibition were directed by
Gábor Tokodi
(Experiment Civilian and Visual Productions and Services Office)

Film excerpts used:
András Kő: Kossuth tér ‘56 (Kossuth Square 1956)
János Krasznai: Privát forradalmak (Private Revolutions)
Sándor Víg: Kossuth téri mészárlás (Massacre on Kossuth Square)

Music editor:
Béla Ruff

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